7th Annual Australian Regulatory Summit

Agenda 29 August 2024 | Hyatt Regency Sydney

Please note: Agenda subject to change
Navigating the ESG Spectrum: Compliance, Risks and Regulations
Data, The Digital Economy,  & Emerging Technologies
Cross-Border Integrity: Global Regulations in Finance, Corporate Crime, and Anti-Corruption

08:00 am

Registration and exhibition open

08:30 am

Welcome remarks from the master of ceremonies

08:40 am

Principal partner welcome

10:05 am

Morning tea

12:30 pm

Lunch and networking in expo

12:55 pm

AFCA update

03:25 pm

Afternoon tea

05:10 pm

Post Networking Drinks

06:00 pm

Event closed

General session details

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Financial Regulation: Insights from AUSTRAC

Join , for an update on Tim Lear, Acting Deputy CEO, Regulation and Reform, AUSTRAC, for an update on the latest regulatory changes, and compliance requirements affecting the financial sector in Australia. In this session, Tim will provide valuable insights into AUSTRAC's current priorities and initiatives, as well as practical guidance on how your organization can stay ahead of the curve in meeting regulatory obligations.


Tim Lear
Acting Deputy CEO
Regulation and Reform

  • - Recent Regulatory Developments: An overview of the current proposed reforms to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (AML/CTF).

    - Strategic Priorities: Understanding AUSTRAC's focus areas for the year ahead.

    - Compliance Best Practices: Practical advice on enhancing your compliance program, with a focus on risk assessment, customer due diligence, and transaction monitoring.

    - Case Studies: Real-world examples of enforcement actions and their implications for businesses, highlighting key lessons and strategies to avoid common pitfalls.

    - Q&A Session: An opportunity for attendees to ask questions and engage directly with Peter, gaining further clarification on specific regulatory concerns or challenges they are facing.

Redefining Financial Crime Strategies in the AI Era

Technology’s role in financial crime is evolving. No longer is outsourced software the limit. Efficiency and effectiveness are tickets to the game. Real value creation is about risk management outcomes. Technology is a service and AI is the door-opener for the new partnership for financial crime capability roadmaps. 


Craig Robertson
Financial Crime & Compliance Expert
Asia Pacific

  • Discover innovations in technology aiding the identification and mitigation of financial crime risks, strategies for regional collaboration to strengthen financial crime prevention, and how accountability shapes-up with advanced technology in financial crime risk management. 

Platinum partner spotlight - NICE Actimize


Matthew Field
APAC AML Market Director
NICE Actimize

Lunch and learn - Keynote session - AFCA update

Shail Singh Lead Ombudsman Investments and Advice AFCA will talk to the number of complaints AFCA has received in the last financial year, the nature of those disputes, key themes in dispute resolution with a focus on scams, AFCA’s response to the Independent Review, our new discretions framework and the transformation of our IT system.


Shail Singh
Ombudsman Investments and Advice Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)

Social Responsibility: tackling online child exploitation and human trafficking in Asia-Pacific

The Asia-Pacific region not only faces challenges with forced labor but is also a critical front in the fight against online child exploitation and human trafficking. With a staggering number of individuals, especially children, vulnerable to these heinous crimes, it is imperative for businesses to understand and address their role in preventing such exploitation within their supply chains.

In this focused session, we will address the urgent issue of online child exploitation and human trafficking. We will examine the latest regulatory measures, industry standards, and collaborative efforts designed to eradicate these forms of modern slavery from APAC supply chains.


Warren Bulmer
Head of Data Products
International centre for Missing and Exploited Children Australia (ICMEC Australia)

  • Identifying and Mitigating Risks of Child Exploitation and Trafficking:
    Learn to recognize the signs of online child exploitation and human trafficking within supply chains and explore strategies to mitigate these risks.

    Regulatory Frameworks and Compliance Measures:
    Gain insights into APAC's legal landscape regarding child exploitation and trafficking, and understand how to align your business operations with these regulations to ensure compliance.

    Collaborative Efforts and Best Practices:
    Discover how cross-sector collaboration and the implementation of best practices can lead to the effective eradication of child exploitation and trafficking in the region.

    Technology's Role in Detection and Prevention:
    Discuss the advancements in technology that are aiding in the detection, reporting, and prevention of online exploitation and trafficking.

  • This session is critically important for executives, compliance officers, CSR professionals, and anyone involved in supply chain management within the Asia-Pacific region. Join us to gain essential knowledge and tools to safeguard your business against the involvement in these grave human rights violations, ensuring a responsible and ethical supply chain.

    By participating in this session, attendees will leave with a heightened understanding of the complexities surrounding online child exploitation and human trafficking and will be better equipped to take actionable steps towards creating a safer and more ethical business environment.

    Content warning:
    In this session we will cover a variety of topics, some of which you may find triggering. These topics include child exploitation, child abuse, death and dying .

Looking Sideways: Harnessing Collective Impact for Positive Social Change

A session for corporate leaders and policymakers committed to forging a beneficial legacy for future generations.  
In a world often overwhelmed by regulatory complexities and compliance demands, it's easy to perceive these frameworks as hurdles rather than tools for positive change. This session aims to shift this perspective, offering a refreshing outlook on the social and environmental impact of regulation.  

Join Suzanne, an esteemed behaviouralist renowned for effecting significant social change, as she demonstrates the power of small, intentional actions in shaping broader outcomes. Through an engaging narrative, Suzanne will illustrate actionable steps toward substantial change, emphasizing that even minor adjustments can catalyze significant outcomes.

Suzanne will recount uplifting stories, including transformative experiences from a Kenyan orphanage, interlacing these with her behavioural science expertise to provide practical insights and tools. This session promises to not only uplift the energy within the room but also to extend the dialogue on regulatory impact beyond the confines of the summit, fostering a durable sense of hopeful responsibility among attendees.  
Join this session and leave inspired to envision regulation and compliance as avenues for collective empowerment and impactful leadership, securing a positive legacy for the generations to come  


Suzanne Waldron

  • - Realize the profound impact of small initiatives, reshaping your understanding of what 'enough' looks like.  
    - Delve into civic responsibility as a leadership trait that individuals and organizations can adopt.  
    - Acquire strategies to cultivate healthier, more productive, and compassionate organizational environments.  
    - Understand how to support others effectively without neglecting your own needs and values.

"Navigating the ESG Spectrum: Compliance, Risks and Regulations" session details

Legal insights: climate litigation and greenwashing

Australia has the second largest number of climate change proceedings on foot globally, with climate litigation in the Oceania region expected to only continue to increase. ‘Greenwashing’ also continues to be a top enforcement priority for Australian regulators.

In this session, our expert panel will unpack the factors driving these litigation trends, identify strategies for mitigating risks in what is a rapidly changing space, and discuss what the future likely holds for ESG civil litigation and regulatory action.


Suzie Leask
Hall & Wilcox 

Brendan Tobin
Hall & Wilcox

Tomo Boston KC
Victorian Bar


Jacobs Uljans
Hall & Wilcox

  • Gain insights into examples and case studies:

    1. Strategic investor interventions
    2. Shareholder derivative actions
    3. Biodiversity issues as a future litigation risk and what your organisation can do to prepare
    4. Greenwashing proceedings

MSA Australia update: ensuring compliance in 2024 and beyond

Amidst growing concerns over workplace exploitation, wage theft, and visa abuses, the Australian Federal Government has responded with an in-depth review of the Modern Slavery Act (MSA).

Join us for a comprehensive session where we'll delve into the recent updates within the MSA framework in Australia, providing you with the knowledge you need to remain compliant in the year 2024.

Additionally, the session will cover the implications of the EU Corporate Sustainability Directive as we approach its multi-year implementation phase.


Kim Randle
Co-founder and CEO
Fair Supply

Luke Geary
Partner - NFPs
Human Rights & Social Impact
Mills Oakley

Alison Rahill
Executive Officer
Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN)


Suzanne Waldron

  • - The findings of the Modern Slavery Act Review and the evolved reporting obligations

    - The influence of the EU Corporate Sustainability Directive on both local and global business operations and their networks

    - Effective strategies and practices to combat workplace exploitation, with a focus on protecting migrant workers and visa holders from wage theft

    - An understanding of the legalities surrounding modern slavery, the consequences of non-compliance, and the critical role of due diligence in risk reduction

    - An analysis of New South Wales' independent modern slavery legislation and its implications for your organisation.

The trustee dilemma: ESG integration vs best interest duty

How do trustees reconcile the integration of ESG factors with their duty to act in their members' best interests when the two don't always align?

Associate Professor Scott Donald PhD, CFA, will lead a compelling panel session that tackles the intricate balance trustees must maintain between regulatory ESG integration mandates and the fiduciary duty to prioritize their members' best interests. Through this discussion, we'll examine the exclusive insights and data Scott Donald has collected from Superannuation Annual Members Meetings, providing a unique window into the members' perspectives on ESG factors.


Dr Scott Donald CFA
Associate Professor
Deputy Director
UNSW Institute for Climate Risk and Response

Scott Charaneka


Maged Girgis
Herbert Smith Freehills

  • - Regulatory Challenges vs. Member Interests: Uncover how trustees handle the tension between APRA and ASIC's regulatory directives and Superannuation members' varied interests.

    - Member Sentiment Data: Access exclusive insights into member perceptions of ESG investments and their influence on the financial sector.

    - Navigating Conflicts: Discover pragmatic strategies trustees use to balance their duties amidst conflicting regulatory and member interests without compromise.

    - Future of ESG Dialogue: Engage in critical discussions on the future of ESG integration and exchange best practices for tackling the complexities of today's financial ecosystem.

  • This panel is essential for trustees, compliance officers, and anyone involved in fund management and financial services who is seeking clarity on fulfilling their role effectively amidst the evolving expectations of ESG considerations.

Understanding your obligations concerning the Positive Duty under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA)

In this session, we will briefly look at:

  • the positive duty obligation under the SDA 
  • the different types of unlawful conduct covered by the positive duty obligation under the SDA 
  • the Commission’s powers to ensure compliance with the positive duty under the SDA 
  • the Commission’s approach to regulation of the positive duty under the SDA 
  • where to find more information


Tanya Murphy
Positive Duty
Australian Human Rights Commission

Workplace health and safety compliance: navigating psychosocial hazards at work and understanding your legal obligations

In this session, explore the critical aspects of psychosocial hazards and their impact on health and safety compliance in NSW workplaces. Delve into risk factors, regulatory considerations, and effective strategies to ensure a psychologically safe and compliant work environment


Jim Kelly
Director Health and Safe Design
SafeWork NSW

  • - Understanding WHS regulations related to psychological health & safety

    - What are psychosocial hazards and what is involved in managing psychosocial hazards at work

    - SafeWork NSW’s expectations of businesses in understanding their legal obligations

    - Lessons from case studies of key convictions and compliance breaches

    - Gain insights to examples of successful approaches to addressing psychosocial hazards

    - How businesses can access current guidance and resources provided by SafeWork NSW

"Data, The Digital Economy,  & Emerging Technologies" session details

A strategic approach to cross-border data protection and privacy compliance

In an era of globalized data flows and unprecedented innovation, businesses face heightened privacy risks affecting millions. Cross-border data transfers, integral to the global digital economy, present both opportunities and challenges, underscoring the need for a comprehensive approach to privacy and data protection compliance.

Join this session to explore the Proposed Privacy Act reform and its implications for Australian organizations, gaining insights into frameworks and strategies crucial for ensuring compliance in 2024 and beyond, especially for businesses operating across borders.


Alison Baker
Hall & Wilcox

James Deady
Hall & Wilcox

Coming soon

  • The Global Privacy and Data Protection Outlook:
    Understand the necessity of adopting a global perspective on privacy and data protection to navigate the complexities of a connected world.

    How to Navigate Cross-Border Data Transfers in the Asia-Pacific Region:
    Explore the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-border data transfers, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

    The Latest National and International Privacy and Data Regulations:
    Stay informed about the ever-evolving landscape of privacy and data regulations, both nationally and internationally.

    Key Compliance Frameworks and Strategies:
    Gain practical insights into key compliance frameworks and strategies essential for aligning your business with the reform and regional privacy requirements.

Panel discussion
Digital transformation in Australia: navigating digital identity and data sharing

The Australian Government has passed legislation for secure, convenient, voluntary and inclusive ways to verify your identity online. The Digital ID Act 2024 will commence on December 2024. Digital identity has the potential to minimise privacy risks, build cyber resilience, and encourage productivity.

Digital ID forms part of Australia’s broader digital transformation and will strengthen our economy. The government is committed to transparent, inclusive, accessible, and responsive services for all citizens. We are rapidly shifting towards a decentralised world and as the government leads a national digital transformation roll out, public and private organisations alike will be set to benefit from these enhanced technologies.


John Phillips

Alysia Abeyratne
Senior Manager
Digital Policy
National Australia Bank

Professor Jeannie Marie Patterson
Co Director
Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics (CAIDE)
University of Melbourne


Richard Storey
GM Risk & Compliance

  • These systems will:
    - Transform the way customers onboard and interact with your company
    - Transform the way you verify identification and other attributes
    - Have the ability to minimise cyber and privacy risks
    - Have associated compliance requirements

  • In this session, we will discuss the Digital ID legislation and how you can ready your business to reap the productivity and privacy benefits of emerging technologies such as Digital ID.

Fireside discussion 
Insights on AI and Data Strategy with Marek

Join Phillip Malcolm for an engaging conversation with Marek Rucinski, Deputy Commissioner for Smarter Data at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Chairperson of the Australian Commonwealth Data Champions Executive. This session will explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence in shaping the ATO's data strategy and the broader implications for public and private sectors.

Expect to gain valuable insights into effective data management practices, the ethical use of AI, and strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of digital governance. 


Marek Rucinski
Deputy Commissioner
Smarter Data
Australian Tax Office

Phillip Malcolm
Regional Head
Risk Services
Thomson Reuters ANZ

Panel discussion 
Cyber resilience: Strategies against AI-driven threats in the next wave of digital crime

The AI boom is fuelling cyber threats and enabling financial crime and conventional approaches to data protection will not suffice.

We've seen it hit some of the countries biggest companies and as tech gets more innovative, so do attackers.

In this session, we will unpack the latest wave of sophisticated cyber threats conceived off of the AI boom. You will gain insights in to the latest sophisticated cyber threats, including AI deep fake phishing attacks and the nexus between AI, digital currency, and digital identity in facilitating ID and credential theft, along with money laundering.

We will provide you with insight in to the latest tools strategies and AI capabilities to protect your organisation as we unpack how AML and cyber strategies can go hand in hand to defend your organisation, and your customers.

Prepare your organisation for the next wave of cyber challenges by staying ahead of the curve and understanding the symbiotic relationship between AI, cyber threats, and financial crime.


Annie Haggar
Cyber GC

Ian Yip
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Brendan Read


Claire Shaw
Financial Crime & Risk Expert

  • - AI Deepfake & Voice Based Phishing Attacks: Explore the intricacies of the latest wave of cyber threats, focusing on AI deep fake phishing attacks and voice scams

    - Crypto and Cyber Crime: Understand how the rise of cryptocurrency facilitates cyber criminals in making, moving, and laundering illicit funds.

    - Money Laundering: Examine the increasing use of cyber crime, including identity and credential theft, as an enabler for money laundering.

    - Protective AI Tools: Discover the latest tools, strategies, and AI capabilities crucial for protecting your organisation against evolving cyber threats.

  • This panel is essential for trustees, compliance officers, and anyone involved in fund management and financial services who is seeking clarity on fulfilling their role effectively amidst the evolving expectations of ESG considerations.

The Perfect Storm: SOCI and Cyber Security in an AI world

In an era of unprecedented technological advancement, the convergence of Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI), Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created a perfect storm of challenges and risks. This presentation explores this critical intersection, highlighting the urgent need for a proactive approach to safeguard essential services and national security. The findings underscore the importance of immediate action, collaboration, and public engagement to build trust and resilience in our increasingly interconnected world. 
As leaders in government and related fields, we must recognise the far-reaching implications of this convergence. We will explore strategies to navigate this complex landscape, emphasising the need for investment in research, fostering security awareness, and forging partnerships across sectors. Attending this session will give you the knowledge and tools necessary to lead your organisation through these challenges, ultimately contributing to a more secure and resilient future for critical infrastructure and the people who depend on it.


Dr. Darryl Carlton
Freelance Consultant
Educator and Advisor

Panel discussion
Governance excellence: managing risk with AI, emerging technology and innovation

In this session, discover the latest in regtech as we dive into best practice and compliance strategies for new and emerging technologies.


Susannah Wilkinson
Generative AI
Digital Legal Delivery
Herbert Smith Freehills

Dr Elea Wurth
Lead Partner – Trustworthy AI APAC

Matthew Field
APAC AML Market Director
NICE Actimize


Michele Levine
Hamilton Locke 

  • - RegTech innovation: The latest legal tech facilitating regulatory compliance.
    - AI Governance: Governance strategies for AI and emerging technologies.

Cross-Border Integrity: Global Regulations in Finance, Corporate Crime, and Anti-Corruption

Navigating the regulatory framework for financial institutions and fund managers considering establishing operations in Australia

With its robust superannuation and investment environment, Australia is seen as an attractive destination by many offshore banks and fund managers looking to set up operations in South-East Asia. In this session, we will look at how international financial institutions can manage the local regulatory environment to minimise friction.


Adrian Verdnik
Hall & Wilcox 

Vanessa Murphy
Hall & Wilcox

  • - APAC Regulatory Updates: Understand recent changes and their business implications.
    - E-Invoicing and Compliance for 2024: Explore technologies and frameworks essential for tax compliance.
    - Key Compliance Risks: Identify factors that could subject your company to scrutiny.
    - Fighting Tax Avoidance: Discover how regional governments plan to fight tax avoidance in digital economies.
    - Pillar Two Legislation: Learn about this global tax framework and how to align your business practices.

Panel discussion
Regional Compliance: Navigating International Sanctions, Geopolitics, and Foreign Interference

As the Asia-Pacific region contends with shifting geopolitical currents and the complexities of international sanctions, understanding these factors is vital for regional stability and business resilience. This focused session will explore the impact of global sanctions within APAC, examine geopolitical tensions, and discuss strategies to mitigate risks from foreign interference


Alice Bexson
First Secretary
Illicit Finance Policy
British High Commission

Avryl Lattin
Clyde & Co

Claudine Lamond


Rachel Waldren

  • - Current APAC sanctions landscape and compliance essentials.
    - Geopolitical trends affecting the region and their implications.
    - Best practices for managing sanctions risks and maintaining business operations.
    - Insights on foreign interference in APAC and protective measures.
    - Frameworks for assessing and responding to regional geopolitical risk

Panel discussion 
Exploring the Role of Real-Time Payments: Benefits, Challenges, and the G20 Roadmap

This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of real-time payments, evaluating their advantages and potential risks. It will also delve into the G20’s roadmap for faster and more secure international payments, including challenges related to scams, extortion, and the tracing and repatriation of funds.

Real-time payments have transformed financial transactions, offering immediate transfer of funds 24/7. This capability affects both domestic and international economic landscapes. However, as the adoption of real-time payments grows, so do concerns regarding their safety and the potential for financial crimes. This session will explore the multifaceted role of real-time payments within the current global financial ecosystem and discuss strategic directions outlined by the G20 for enhancing security and efficiency in cross-border payments.


Liam Hennessy
Partner and Adjunct Professor
Clyde & Co

Richard Storey
GM Risk & Compliance

Hannah Glass
Senior Associate
King & Wood Mallesons


Barry White
Strategic Accounts Executive
Corporates - ANZ
Thomson Reuters

Fighting financial crime in banking, e-commerce, and digital assets

As the financial landscape evolves with advancements in banking, e-commerce and digital assets, so does the complexity of financial crime. This executive session targets decision-makers and provides a strategic overview of the fight against financial crime in these dynamic sectors. With the Australian Government Department (AGD) Second Consultation into the AML/CTF Act, which proposes significant changes to international funds transfers, remittance, digital assets, as well as reforms to the responsibility and potential liability of boards, senior management and the AML/CTF compliance officer.


Paul Jevtovic APM OAM
Chief Financial Crime
Risk Officer & Executive MLRO
National Australia Bank

Craig Robertson
Financial Crime & Compliance Expert
Asia Pacific

Sonja Marsic
Risk Advisory
Norton Rose Fulbright

  • - Insights into Australia’s AML/CTF developments and the implications for banks and payment providers.

    - Case studies highlighting how these sectors respond to enforcement action.

    - Guidance on reporting procedures to financial intelligence units as well as when to self-report to the regulator.

    - An update on key emerging risks across these sectors, including scams and the use of stolen customer profiles.

    - Discover innovations in technology aiding the identification and mitigation of financial crime risks.

    - Strategies for regional collaboration to strengthen financial crime prevention.

Panel discussion
Corporate integrity: combating corporate crime and corruption in APAC

With a staggering 2,888 referrals in its first year, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has highlighted the urgent call to action against corruption.

In this session, Alexandra Tighe will draw on her extensive Royal Commission and dispute resolution experience to provide key insights into the NACC's transformative role in promoting corporate integrity and the collective effort needed within the APAC region to combat corruption effectively.

Leave this session with a blueprint for integrating robust anti-corruption strategies into your organisation.


Alexandra Tighe
Clayton Utz

Dr. Ben Gauntlett
Deputy Commissioner

Tim Wellington
Chapel Lane Advisory


Jehan-Philippe Wood
Clyde & Co

  • - Understand the NACC's immediate influence on corporate governance.

    - Forge an anti-corruption culture that resonates across all business levels

    - Examine how in-house teams are becoming the linchpin in upholding ethical practices and steering corporate integrity.

    - Break down significant APAC corruption cases, extracting key lessons to bolster your preventive strategies.

    - Equip yourself with the tools to measure and report corruption risks effectively, ensuring proactive compliance.

    - Engage in an in-depth discussion on local government tactics to combat corporate crime and their broader effects.

    - Discover how APAC's collective efforts are the cornerstone of a robust regional defense against corruption.

Panel discussion
Tranche 2 - Legislating AML/CTF obligations for ‘gatekeepers’

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, has recommended regulation of ‘gatekeepers’, which are also known as Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBP), including those in the accounting, real estate and legal sectors. This session will serve as a crucial platform for dissecting the likely regulation of these sectors as proposed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department in their recent Consultation.


Juliana Warner
Law Council of Australia

Rachel Waldren

Grace Mason


Jeremy Moller
Senior Advisor
Risk Advisory
Norton Rose Fulbright

  • Participants will come away with a comprehensive understanding of the proposed legislative changes, practical insights into how these changes may impact their day-to-day operations, and strategies for implementing robust AML/CTF compliance programs within their organisations.