A Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Customer Success Story

Adobe adopts ONESOURCE Determination to drive global indirect tax process transformation

Adobe’s Director of Global Indirect Tax, Brian Gardner discusses how Thomson Reuters’ ONESOURCE Determination firmly established itself as the only solution that could meet Adobe’s global compliance needs effectively.

Why intelligent technology is needed to address global tax reforms?

Technological innovation has led corporate leaders to rethink every function of the enterprise in order to thrive in an increasingly competitive digital economy. Tax  is one domain which experiences an overwhelming number of modifications in laws and regulations on an ongoing basis, making it fiercely challenging for tax teams to achieve compliance and needlessly expensive for the organization as a whole. Adobe successfully leveraged tax technology to circumvent these tax challenges and achieve complete control over their worldwide indirect tax processes, saving valuable time and reducing costs. 

Adobe’s battle with tax challenges 

Adobe, a US-based multinational software company, struggled to gain more control of their indirect tax process thanks to out-of-sync, manual tax systems that consumed immense amounts of time and put a drain on their IT resources.

Consolidating tax processes to achieve control and compliance

The software giant overhauled their indirect tax processes, under Adobe’s Director of Global Indirect Tax, Brian Gardner’s leadership, The team is now able to present more accurate metrics and data to senior leadership - a benefit that elevated the value of the tax department as a whole.

It was a perfect storm of tax challenges. Instead of being swept up in it, we decided to use it as a basis for transformation. With indirect tax becoming more and more important to governments around the world from a revenue perspective, we knew we needed a single, global solution with a local focus.

- Brian Gardner, Director of Global Indirect Tax, Adobe

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